• 投资管理


    我们的核心是一支技术娴熟、经验丰富的团队, 以严格的投资流程管理资产, energized and driven to partner with clients to meet their long term investment goals.

    • 投资管理 投资管理
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    Our principals have been building 定制的 investment programs for sophisticated investors for nearly three decades. As stewards of client portfolios over the course of several market cycles, 我们为每一项投资决策带来经验丰富的视角和判断力.

    做一个领导者意味着要有独立的思想, 真正的技能(通常难以捉摸或被好运所误导), 行动的意愿, 而不是随大流. 安吉利斯体现了这些特点, 是什么支撑着我们管理成功投资项目的方法.

    yabo亚博网站登录首页的翅膀 yabo亚博网站登录首页的翅膀
    • 创新和好奇心

      创新 & 好奇心

      We continuously strive to identify new investment ideas and are not afraid to be early adopters of emerging investment themes and opportunities, 基于我们严谨严谨的研究.

    • 高信念阿尔法通道

      高信念alpha & 访问

      作为对低效部门积极管理的信徒, we build portfolios around managers for whom we have a high conviction in their ability to deliver alpha.

      我们作为一个深思熟虑的投资者的声誉, 深的关系, and experience in the industry has earned us access to top tier managers often not accessible by most investors.

    • 技能与经验

      技能 & 经验

      We have been successfully building 定制的 investment programs for over 18 years. As stewards of client portfolios over the course of several market cycles, we bring perspective and judgment to each investment decision that is valuable in constructing durable portfolios for long horizons.

    • 无冲突的决策


      100%员工持股, we are able to select managers solely on the basis of their merit and fit within a broader portfolio. 我们唯一的收入来源来自我们的客户. 作为受托人,我们的决定是由客户的利益驱动的.

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